León. Nicaragua
Ministerio de Sanidad de la República de Nicaragua
Taller de Arquitectura Sanchez Horneros
Under construction
Built surface:
34.970 m²
Condit surface:
24.978 m²
Global budget:
This hospital is located inside the town centre at Leon municipality. Heodra will service a population around 831,000 inhabitants from 23 different municipalities. The new hospital is formed by three buildings with 5 floors each and a facitlies building. We want to highlight the existance of the main front facade that is considered as cultural heritage element, so the project considered this to integrate this facade into the new hospital concept.
This building has been designed completely in BIM, it has helped us to detect the most of the interferences during design phase. The environmental impact of the proposed solutions have been considered during the design phase in order to reduce the total environmental impact, some of the solutions to highlight are: integration of solar phtovoltaic panels for the production of electricity, LED technology for lighting and illumination control to use natural lighting when is available to reduce the energy consumption, it is also included the use of recycled raw materials during the building construction and the implementation of green areas using native species plants to reduce the water demand.
Engineering project and construction management for all the building facilities: HVAC, electricity, plumbing/ drainage, control, communications, medical gases and fire protection.