Cordoba. Spain
Servicio Andaluz de Salud
Planho Consultores, SLP
Completed 2011
Built surface:
158.650 m²
Condit surface:
150.500 m²
Global budget:
Reina Sofía Hospital complex in Cordoba was open in 1.976, it is a 158.650 m2 hospital equipped with 540 beds and 11 operating rooms, it is the reference hospital in Cordoba province. The new requirements of the hospital led to a refurbishment and extension process in which different measures were planned: new building for external consultations, refurbishment of hospitalization floors and also the ground floor. The project involved 96.755 m2.
INGHO worked close to technical services of the hospital and architects to ensure that the new design guarantee the best energy efficiency and optimized operation and maintenance cost.
Enginnering project of the electrical and communication facilities.